On Monday 3rd October, Franck Riehm, President of the French Bridge Federation and Eric Laurant, President of the European Bridge League, signed a partnership agreement for the organisation of the 10th Bridge Open which will take place from 3rd to 17th June 2023 at the Strasbourg Exhibition Centre. The signing took place at Strasbourg City Hall in the presence of Anne-Marie Jean, vice-president of the Eurometropole of Strasbourg and with the support of the City.

More than 15,000 bridge players from all five continents are expected to participate in this event. 
In addition to the competitions, one of which is online, which cover all age groups - from school categories, U16, U21, etc. to senior citizens -, activities will be offered to the general public. Free introductions, tournaments in cafés and restaurants, demonstrations in schools, colleges and high schools, the whole of the Eurometropole will be at bridge time during the fortnight. This is an opportunity to discover a discipline that has been democratised and that is a hit with all publics...